Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Hoping for Spring...

It has been too long since my last post. Its all been a bit hectic my way, nothing exciting I might add. My degree has suddenly got really hard, and I've been struggling my way through it, fitting in going to work, maintaining some sort of social life (ha!), and looking after my dad who has been a bit poorly and had to take a little hospital holiday. When I have had time to do other stuff I've either been too tired, or too unmotivated to blog. I'm fed up with winter now and just want the sun to shine a little bit so I can get out for more walks and feel inspired again. I'm going to try to take some outfit posts this weekend, and post some baking I've managed to do recently (Apple Cinnamon muffins and Lemon Polenta cake). Saturday I'm doing a sponsored ice skate for Macmillan with some work colleagues, so I might take some pictures there too, if I don't fall over and break a vital limb (or worse, the camera).

Above are some pictures of the new No7 spring collection. I've been stalking it online since November (lame!) and picked up the whole lot on its day of release. I'm a little bit in love with the packaging which really reminds me of the Paul and Joe cosmetics line, but mostly I love the 1960's feel of the products. The pink lipstick which is called Brigette, and the matching nail polish (Sugar) look amazing with the black liner pot and I'm planning on wearing it to a 60's themed birthday party I've got coming up in May. More on that soon...(I have outfit inspiration).

I also picked up these vintage sunglasses a couple of weeks ago in an Antique shop, along with an engraved silver pendant (which I have temporarily misplaced). They weren't particularly cheap at £25, but as soon as I put them on I knew they were coming home with me. Once it heats up a bit I'm going to wear them with all the 50's and 60's sundresses I'm planning on buying, and maybe making with my new sewing machine...

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